How to Cook Aglio Olio

Cooking seems hard for some people, but in this explanation, I want to prove that cooking is not hard. Here is how to cook alio olio, a type of oil spaghetti. Trust me, it is one of the easiest things you can be doing.



  1. Boil the dry noodles. It should say on the packet how long you should boil the noodles. However, because you will have to put in on fire again later, boil it to about 2 minutes less than the directions on the packet.
  2. Take the noodles out and put them inside a net. While you let them cool, pour a little extravirgin olive oil so that it won't stick to each other.
  3. Let's get to making the sauce. First, pour about 1/4 cup of olive oil into the frying pan. Turn on the fire and wait for the frying pan to heat up.
  4. Once the frying pan heats up, put the garlic in. It should start popping like it is frying. Then, put the onions in.
  5. When the garlic starts showing a golden color, pour the chicken stock in. Slowly pour it in to that it won't start popping due to the oil. Remember, most liquids do not mix well with oil!
  6. Stir it for a couple of minutes. Then, set down whatever you're stirring with, and go mix the spaghetti noodles once more to make sure it didn't stick together while you were cooking the sauce.
  7. After about 2 minutes of boiling the sauce, put the spaghetti noodles in. Stir it for about 3 minutes. While stirring, put in a pinch of salt and some peperochino. If you want to make it a little spicy, put in a lot of peperochino. If not, put in really little;
  8. Extra: If you are going to put paprikas in, put it in now. Make sure it is coated with oil.
  9. Try taste the sauce. If it is too salty, put in a little water. If it is too bland, put in a little salt/peperochino.
  10. Put the noodles in a plate first before you pour the sauce over it. Decorate it with parsley, and you're DONE! Enjoy~!